HANNOVER MESSE 2020 Virtual Exhibition

BEIA Consult participates as exhibitor in HANNOVER MESSE 2020 Virtual Exhibition on 14th-15th July 2020. Within the event, we will promote our new project PIMEO AI. The organizers aim to create a digital twin of the exhibition stand and mobilize it. The Digital Exhibition Stand enables customers to visit it everywhere and at any time through …

PIMEO-AI stakeholder webinar

The PIMEO-AI webinar took place on 23rd of February, 2023, online. The webinar was about the test cases performed with the AI-powered USV (Unmanned Surface Vehicle) that conducted comprehensive water quality measurements in sensitive aquatic environments. You can watch the demo here: youtu.be/Mm11ScY-MII


Sistemele mobile (fără pilot) de monitorizare a calității apei reprezintă dezvoltări tehnologice care sunt din ce în ce mai importante datorită creșterii evenimentelor de poluare a apei în zone sensibile din punctul de vedere al mediului sau în zone mai greu accesibile. În acest context, membrii consorțiului proiectului PIMEO AI – Identificarea poluării, cartarea și …

PIMEO-AI presentation in DDNI 2022 Conference

PIMEO-AI presentation on 3rd of June in The 29th International Symposium “Deltas and Wetlands” 2022 (DDNI) in Tulcea, Romania. It was a great opportunity to present the project and disseminate it! The Danube Delta National Institute for Research and Development (DDNI) was established in 1970 and its main objective is conducting fundamental and applied research …

Participation in Aquatech event

Fluidion participated in 2019 in Aquatech event and had a great opportunity to disseminate the PIMEO-AI project. Aquatech is the world’s most complete platform for professionals in the world of water technology. During inspiring events in Amsterdam, China and Mexico, we offer industry professionals a complete overview of products and services of the world’s leading …